Jerome. ls this
the approach path we discussed?
- Absolutely, Director.
- Quite right.
Listen, l want what l ordered.
lt"s a completely different colour.
No. l"m bored of talking to you.
l"ll call you back.
That was about your hair dye.
They"ve sent me ""Summer Wheat"".
lt"s too light.
""Why don"t you try a change?""
We can"t use it!
- l"ll probably have to pay for it.
- We can"t stay here.
- The idiots l have to deal with . . !
- They think l killed the director.
- What makes them think that?
- They found my eyelash.
- Where?
- ln the corridor.
Thank God it wasn"t in your eye.
My picture is everywhere. l can"t
turn around without seeing my face.
- They"ll recognize me. They will !
- l don"t recognize you.
They won"t accept one of their elite
could"ve suckered them for so long.
No, we do as we planned. You"re
Jerome Morrow, Navigator 1 st Class.
l"m not Jerome Morrow.
l"m a murder suspect.
What are you doing?
That"s more than a day"s worth !