- l"ll probably have to pay for it.
- We can"t stay here.
- The idiots l have to deal with . . !
- They think l killed the director.
- What makes them think that?
- They found my eyelash.
- Where?
- ln the corridor.
Thank God it wasn"t in your eye.
My picture is everywhere. l can"t
turn around without seeing my face.
- They"ll recognize me. They will !
- l don"t recognize you.
They won"t accept one of their elite
could"ve suckered them for so long.
No, we do as we planned. You"re
Jerome Morrow, Navigator 1 st Class.
l"m not Jerome Morrow.
l"m a murder suspect.
What are you doing?
That"s more than a day"s worth !
- We can"t stay here.
- Stop that! Fine . . . fine!
Leave if you want. But don"t
take that stuff. lt"s mine!
l would"ve chosen a brave partner -
- if l"d known you"d go
belly-up on me at the last gasp.
You can"t quit on me now.
Do you want me to wheel in there
and finish the job myself?
- They are going to find me.
- You still don"t understand . . .
When they look at you, they
don"t see you any more. Only me.