I'm gonna make
all these caramels disappear.
You ready?
One, two, three.
- [ Gasps ]
- [ Chuckles ] They're all gone.
That was my-- It works better
when I have my rabbit.
[ Clears Throat ]
I don't really date,
you know, that much.
How very unfortunate...
I think for me. [ Chuckling ]
You know what I mean?
I know you've been thinking about it.
- Oh, no, I haven't.
- Yes, you have.
- No, I really haven't.
- Yes, you have. You were hoping
to get a good night kiss.
No, you know, I tell ya,
I was hopin' to get a good night laid.
[ Laughing ]
But I'll settle for,
like, a kiss, you know?
- How very noble of you.
- Thank you.
- Mm.
- No, I was-- I was hopin' for a kiss.
Well, why don't we just
get it out of the way now?
- Right now?
- Yeah.
Come on.
[ Giggling ]
I think I got
some of your pickle.
You again, huh?
Come with me.
So what's this?
A Taster's Choice moment between guys?
This is really nice. You got a thing
for swans? Is this, like, a fetish?
Is it something, like, maybe
we need to devote some time to?
- Thought about what you said to me
the other day. About my painting.
- Oh.
Stayed up half the night
thinking about it.
Something occurred to me.
I fell into a deep, peaceful sleep
and haven't thought about you since.
- You know what occurred to me?
- No.