Good Will Hunting

[ Giggling ]
I think I got
some of your pickle.

You again, huh?
Come with me.
So what's this?
A Taster's Choice moment between guys?

This is really nice. You got a thing
for swans? Is this, like, a fetish?

Is it something, like, maybe
we need to devote some time to?

- Thought about what you said to me
the other day. About my painting.
- Oh.

Stayed up half the night
thinking about it.

Something occurred to me.
I fell into a deep, peaceful sleep
and haven't thought about you since.

- You know what occurred to me?
- No.

You're just a kid. You don't have the
faintest idea what you're talking about.

- Why, thank you.
- It's all right.

You've never been
out of Boston.

So if I asked you about art,
you'd probably give me the skinny...

on every art book
ever written.

You know a lot about him.

Life's work, political aspirations.
Him and the pope.

Sexual orientation.
The whole works, right?

I bet you can't tell me what it
smells like in the Sistine Chapel.

You never actually stood there
and looked up at that beautiful ceiling.

Seeing that.
If I ask you about women,
you'll probably give me a syllabus
of your personal favorites.

You may have even been laid
a few times.
