"You know, all I could use right now is
a fuckin' blow job and a cup of coffee."
So the stewardess fuckin' goes bombin'
up from the back of the plane...
to tell him
the microphone's still on.
This guy in the back
of the plane's like, "Hey, hon,
don't forget the coffee."
[ Chuckling ]
You ever been on a plane?
No, but it's a fuckin' joke. It works
better if I tell it in the first person.
Yeah, it does.
I have been laid,
you know?
Really? Good for you.
- Big time, big time.
- Big time, huh?
I went on a date last week.
- How'd it go?
- It was good.
- Goin' out again?
- I don't know.
- Why?
- Haven't called her.
- Christ, you're an amateur.
- I know what I'm doin'.
Yeah. Don't worry about me.
I know what I'm doin'.
Yeah, but this girl was, like,
you know, beautiful.
She's smart. She's fun. She's different
from most of the girls I've been with.
- So call her up, Romeo.
- Why, so I can realize
she's not that smart.
That she's fuckin' boring?
You know, I mean, you don't--
This girl's, like, fuckin' perfect
right now. I don't wanna ruin that.
Maybe you're perfect right now.
Maybe you don't wanna ruin that.
But I think that's
a super philosophy, Will.
That way, you can go through
your entire life without ever
having to really know anybody.
My wife used to fart
when she was nervous.
She had all sorts
of wonderful idiosyncrasies.
You know, she used to fart
in her sleep.
Just thought I'd share that
with you.
One night it was so loud,
it woke the dog up.
[ Both Laughing ]
She woke up and gone, like,
"Was that you?"
I said, "Yeah." I didn't have
the heart to tell her. Oh, God.
- She woke herself up? [ Laughing ]
- Yes.
Oh, Christ. But, Will,
she's been dead two years
and that's the shit I remember.
It's wonderful stuff, you know?
Little things like that.
Yeah, but those are the things
I miss the most.
Those little idiosyncrasies
that only I knew about.