All right, get out.
This way now.
[Rubin ]
From that moment on,
l decided to take control
of my life.
l made up my mind
to turn my body...
into a weapon.
l would be
a warrior-scholar.
l boxed.
l went to school.
l began reading--
W.E.B. Du Bois, Richard Wright.
Move, tier one !
[Buzzer Sounding]
So l gave up
all the worthless luxury...
that most inmates crave.
The girlie books, fags,
cigarettes, the movies--
l hated them.
ln fact,
l hated everyone.
l didn 't even speak English.
l spoke hate.
And its verbs were fists.
l made up my mind...
to turn my body
into a weapon...
that would eventually
set me free...
or kill anyone who sought
to keep me in prison.