The law states we have to take
our new evidence back
to the original trial judge,
and then
if he turns us down, we go
to the state appeals court--
No. No. No. No.
Listen to me.
These people aren't
gonna just let that happen.
They've made their careers
on my case.
What are you talking about ?
I'm talking about lawyers,
prosecutors, judges...
who have moved up the ladder
on my black back.
We don't know what enemies
we have out there
in this state.
We gotta take it out of
New Jersey and take it
to the federal court.
Rubin, if you go
into federal court...
with new evidence
that hasn't been heard
in the state court,
the judge is gonna
throw it out.
Okay ?
That is the law.
Then we transcend the law.
We-- We get back to humanity.
You said if we take
the new evidence
before the federal judge,
he's gotta look at it
before he throws it out, right ?
I believe that
once he looks at it,
he will have seen the truth.
Having seen the truth,
he can't turn his back on me.
And what if you're wrong
and he does turn away ?
Then what ?
Then you throw out
all this evidence that
everyone's fought to get.
And you know what, Rubin ?
You will never be able
to mention it in a court again.
It is finished. It's erased.
It's as if it never happened.
This evidence is the key
to getting you out of here,
and you'll be throwing
it away, Rubin.
When in a few
more years--
I don't have
a few more years, Myron.
Leon, help me out.
I can't. I agree with Rubin.
It's time to move on.
Move on ? What do you mean ?
Move on where ?
The State's biased.
We're never gonna get
anything there.
We have to go federal.
We can't take the risk
of going federal with this.
Listen to me.
I'm 50 years old.
I've been locked up
for 30 years.