No, another way.
You mean as a cousin?
No, another way.
You mean as a pen pal?
My legs hurt. Aah!
DANNY: Aah! Aah!
ATTORNEY: Lieutenant Stevens...
you've been awarded
two purple hearts...
and a Congressional
Medal of Honor.
You saved the lives
of your entire unit.
However, your sergeant...
came across the following items
in your footlocker.
Will you kindly tell the court
if they are yours?
A letter to another soldier?
FATHER: Oh, no.
Yes, sir.
A photograph signed,
"Danny, San Francisco"?
Yes, sir.
Finally, an autographed copy
of "Beaches..."
starring Bette Midler?
Give that back!
Discharge, dishonorable!
They're kicking him out.
That's not fair.
I mean, he killed people.
Danny, I just don't know.
Did I do the right thing?
DANNY: Ask him.
BILLY: Well, Mr. President,
am I still a good American?
It's a statue, Billy.