HOWARD BRACKETT: "And sunlightclasped the earth...
"and the moonbeamskissed the sea.
"What areall these kissings worth...
"if thou kiss not me?"
That's it.
[Class laughs]
- Mike.- Mr. Brackett, OK.
That Cameron Drake guy,did you really teach him?
Yes, I did.Right here in this very room.
Question about the poem?
Yes, Meredith.
MEREDITH: Did Cameronhave a girlfriend here?
- Please.- Jack.
- Mr. Brackett.- Vicky.
- Is this related to the poem?- Oh, yeah.
You have a comment about Englishliterature or Romantic poetry?
- Absolutely.- Let's hear it.
When Cameron went here...
and studied English literatureand Romantic poetry...
was he really cute?
No. He's had massive surgery.A complete overhaul.
He was an iguana.
But, you know,he loved this poem.
JACK: Excuse me, Mr. Brackett.
Mr. Brackett.
It's here.
From Indiana State.
And? Hey, Joe.
Will you open it?lt'll make it easier.
What if I...I mean, I'm not gonna get in.
I bet it says,"Nice try, you moron.
"You loser, get out of here."
That's not quite the waythey put it.
Yes! You're in!Full scholarship!
- Yes?- Way to go!
[Hushed conversations]
MIKE: Shh, shh, shh.
HOWARD: Gentlemen,Are we having a practice?
We can't, you know.
It's our coach.
He's getting married this week.
Yes, that's correct.