What a joyous morning.
What a perfect day.
What a gloriously splendid
Dearly, dearly beloved...
we are gathered here
to join this wonderful couple...
in holiest matrimony
before the eyes of God.
Before we begin the vows...
is there anyone present
who knows of a reason...
why this couple should not
be joined in holy wedlock?
Very good.
Because let us remember...
a marriage is truly
a blessed event.
It must be a union
based on deepest love...
total kinship,
and absolute honesty.
Let us begin.
Do you, Emily, take this man...
to be your lawfully
wedded husband...
to have and to hold
till death do you part?
I do.
MINISTER: And do you, Howard,
take this woman...
to be your lawfully
wedded wife...
to have and to hold
till death do you part?
I'm gay.