CAMERON: I've been thinking
a lot about this night...
and I've decided to dedicate
this whole night...
to a great gay teacher.
CAMERON: Mr. Brackett, we won!
[Turns television off]
- Howard?
- Precious.
- What's he talking about?
- [Doorbell rings]
I have no idea!
Mom? Dad?
Is there something
you want to tell us?
Something about the wedding?
I'm not gay.
Ohh. Of course not.
EMILY: No! No, no.
FRANK: My son's not gay.
- No way!
- No how!
FRANK: No dice!
- No, ma'am.
- No, sir!
BERNIECE: But that boy on TV...
HOWARD: I don't know
what that was about.
I am outraged! I may sue!
EMILY: That's right.
That's a good idea.
FRANK: Get Johnnie Cochran,
not that woman.
HOWARD: Good idea.
Remember, he's been
in Hollywood a long time.
He may be under the influence
of something.
He may have joined a cult.
BERNIECE: Oh, my lord.
That little zombie.
His family was...
I hate to say this...
but when they lived here,
they were not active in the PTA.
He used to mow our lawn.
Never again.
we want you to know...
you're our son,
and we'll always love you...
gay, straight, red, green...
if you rob a bank,
if you kill someone.