CAMERON: No. Tell him I really
appreciate the offer...
but I just don't think
I'm right for it.
This is Peter Malloy
for Inside Entertainment.
I'm at Greenleaf's
First Methodist Church...
where Howard Brackett has
boldly declared, "I don't."
SONYA: Cam! Come look at this!
PETER: Brackett, outted by
Cameron Drake at the Oscars...
today, to the amazement
of family and friends...
outted himself
at his own wedding.
You can imagine the fireworks.
He's been besieged by the media,
his job may be in jeopardy...
and as for his fiancée...
fellow English teacher
Emily Montgomery...
well, who knows?
CAMERON: Miss Montgomery?
PETER: The real question is,
where is Cameron Drake?
This is Peter Malloy
for Inside Entertainment.
CAMERON: We got to leave.
- Cam?
- We got to go.
Go where?
CAMERON: Greenleaf...
because of what I said.
I got to see what's going on
and do something.
But I promised Isaac
I'd do his show.
The new collection
is this afternoon.
I have to shower and vomit.
MIKE: Man! At his wedding.
VICKY: Poor Miss Montgomery.
JACK: I guess Mr. Brackett's
really like Cameron said.
MIKE: Uh, duh.
And you hung out with him.
He drove you
to that college interview.
Didn't you, like,
stay over somewhere?
But nothing happened.
I don't even know the guy...
not anymore.
MEREDITH: Excuse me.
You don't know the guy?
He got you into college.
Just last week,
he was your total hero.
That was last week.
Guys, we had a gay teacher
all year.
We have to face that...
and move on with our lives.
What are you talking about?