Fuck Barbra Streisand!
And you!
HOWARD: Emily!
Emily. Emily.
PETER: Howard, you did it!
I'm so proud of you.
I just destroyed Emily's life!
I killed her!
You saved her life.
I don't believe it. I...
I just came out at my wedding!
In front of everybody!
My family, my friends,
my mom, my dad...
Look at my hand.
PETER: It was fantastic!
HOWARD: It was a nightmare!
I... I... I... I...
I just demolished
my mother's dream wedding!
I'm... I'm... I'm a monster!
I'm... I'm a lunatic.
PETER: You're a hero,
and I've got great footage!
I got the whole thing!
HOWARD: Is this about footage?
I'll give you your headline.
Howard Brackett is a big homo,
queer, Mary, sissy man.
He just came out
at his big church wedding!
Martha Stewart is furious!
There. Is that what you want?
That was great stuff.