and pretended not to notice
the Streisand thing.
I thought you were
just creative.
I thought you were
just smarter than me...
and more sensitive
and more interesting.
I thought you were the most
wonderful man who ever lived.
I thought you could
change my life...
and show me the whole world...
and teach me about art
and life and magic.
I thought you could...
make me feel
like a beautiful woman...
instead of the girl
nobody wanted.
Oh, no.
But... but...
Emily. Emily.
Does anybody here know...
how many times I've had
to watch "Funny Lady"?
It was a sequel.
She was under contract.
Fuck Barbra Streisand!
And you!
HOWARD: Emily!
Emily. Emily.
PETER: Howard, you did it!
I'm so proud of you.
I just destroyed Emily's life!
I killed her!
You saved her life.