wondering if, in fact,
you were a ho... ho...
h-ho... h-ho...
Home room teacher?
Tom, do I look like
a homosexual?
Would you walk for me?
Excuse me.
Uh, Howard?
Do you enjoy teaching?
No, I don't enjoy it.
You don't?
No, I love it. It's my life.
HALLIWELL: Then you'd miss it?
Are you threatening me?
No, no.
I'm... l'm your friend.
Friends don't threaten.
No, they don't.
Friends warn.
And you, uh...
you are getting married,
aren't you?
But are you saying...
that if I weren't getting
married, I'd be fired?
- That's not an issue, is it?
- No.
Best wishes.
PRIEST: Bless you.
Thank you.
Would you like to tell me
your sins?
Yes. Yes.
First of all, I'm not Catholic.
Then why are you here?
I have a friend who's Catholic,
and he's busy.
Aren't you helpful?
What are his, you know, sins?
Your friend's?
He's a plumber,
and he's about to be married.
He's been engaged
for three years.
Caution is a virtue.
Yeah, but everyone's...
Everyone's saying something
about him that isn't true.