and lowering my voice...
and I couldn't take lying
to the people that I love.
Does that sound familiar?
[Lowers voice] No.
So I just said,
"Mom, Dad, Sparky, I'm gay."
What happened?
My mom cried
for exactly 10 seconds.
My boss said, "Who cares?"
And my dad said,
"But you're so tall."
Everyone surprised me
once I let them...
once I trusted them.
Sometimes the worst thing
you think can happen...
turns out to be the best thing.
For you.
For anyone.
But I'm not gay!
What was Streisand's
eighth album?
- "Color me, Barbra."
- Stud.
Everyone knows that!
Everyone where? The Little
Gay Bar on the Prairie?
Know what you need?
I need a wedding! I...
HOWARD: You... you...
You kissed me.
You noticed.
This is not Los Angeles.
People don't kiss here?
Not at an intersection!
[Horn honks]
BERNIECE: Oh, stop.
Oh, hello, sweetheart!
Mom! Dad! Hi.
Look, it's the cake.
Yeah, well...
FRANK: Everything OKthere?
This is my Peter... friend Peter.
We ran into each other
at the intersexual...
homosection... intersection.
I gotta go.
It's that fella from TV.
Thank you.
If you're Howard's buddy,
I hope you come to the wedding.
The wedding.
That's right.
Sunday morning, 9:00 a.m.
Gotta go prepare myself.