In & Out

He's made the perfect choice...
Howard Brackett.

Yes, Howard Brackett.
[Laughter and applause]
Peter Malloy with day two...
of "Howard Brackett:
Will there be a wedding?"

I'm with Aldo Hooper,
Howard's barber.

Stylist... razor cuts,
color, full blow dry.

That's very nice.
What do you think?
Will there be a wedding?

Howard is booked for Saturday.
A full styling. I say yes.

Emmett Wilson, who has just
delivered Howard's mail...

his intimate correspondence,
letters to a legend.

Anything we should know?
I can't reveal that.
I'm a postal employee.

Don't make him mad.
Of course he's getting married.
He's a man of his word.
Is this national?
You bet.
Please, use your full zip codes.
Greenleaf High,
cradle of crisis.

Howard's seniors...
youth in the crossfire.

Tell us in your own innocent
young words, is he gay?

JACK: Oh, no. He told us.
It was all this huge mistake.

MEREDITH: It happened 'cause he
likes poetry and uses a napkin.

VICKY: Unlike some people.
MIKE: What?
PETER: Teens in turmoil.
And your message to America?

BO YS: Greenleaf rules! Yeah!
PETER: Kids on the edge.
A community in chaos.

Indiana cries out.
Howard, can you hear?
uh, you got a minute?

Howard, uh...
your... your life,
I mean, since...

since the Oscars,
I can only imagine.

HOWARD: It's over now.
It's fine. It's just fine.

It's all ancient history.
We do have graduation
coming up Monday...

and you kind of put us right...
right in the spotlight.

I'm so sorry, Tom.
I'd be less than honest
if I didn't tell you...

that I've gotten some calls
from parents...
