Lloyd Abbott wasn't the richest man
in town, but it seemed like he was...
...because he had three beautiful
daughters: Alice, Eleanor and Pamela.
Twice a year, you'd see the big tent
go up on their tennis court...
...and everyone could see that one of
the Abbott girls was having a birthday...
...or graduating
or going away to college.
- Here we go. Another party.
- Shut up.
Every time an Abbott girl gets her period,
there's a party.
Kotex parties, Kotex party hats...
My brother and I were born strangers.
Same last name, same address...
...but everything else about us
was different.
Back then, Jacey was
a complete mystery to me.
And I was a constant source
of embarrassment to him.
Oh, Christ.
JACEY: Mom, he has to wash that off.
- Why?
You can't let him go to the party
until he does.
It'll look worse if I wash it.
It's India ink. It'll turn gray.
You look like a clown! He looks
like a clown and he doesn't know it.
- I thought you weren't even going.
- I changed my mind.
Doug, you do understand that you may
be the only person at this party...
...with artificial sideburns?
- Yeah?
You do understand that
they don't look real?
That they look really as if
you'd drawn them on?