I can see you are impressed.
Piece right here might be
the right action for you.
That's a Winchester...
the rifle that won the west.
It's in perfect working order.
I brought down a buck with
this sucker about two weeks ago.
Now, the idea I have...
is you just put this
in your mouth like this, see...
and you put your big toe
on the trigger.
Boom! Bingo. Good-bye.
Maybe you're a handgun man
after all.
Clarisse, there he is now.
Mr. Po! Mr. Po!
Hang on a few more days.
Make me a rich woman.
Come on.
Good afternoon, Mr. Po.
Listen, I need a tie.
Ah. Well,
I have lots of ties.
Over here.
You ever married, Mr. Po?
Me? No.
Me, neither.
Ever in love?
It's wonderful, isn't it?
Wonderful and horrible
at the same time.
Horrible if you can't be
with the person you love.
I suppose.
That's... that's
my situation, see...
never to be
with the person I love.
Why is that?