My name is Julian Po.
I'm thirty years old...
and I'm recordingthe story of my life...
on this tape recorderfor the purpose of...
recording my life. Heh.
Recording my lifeon this tape recorder...
which I bought two weeks agoat the Payless for $29.
Uh, it's gotnoise reduction, uh...
What do I say now?I have no idea.
I tried to keep a journal once,but that didn't work out.
I'm not a novelistor anything like that.
Actually, I'm a bookkeeper.
It's not worth mentioning.
I'm Julian Po.
This is the storyof my trip to the sea.
Of all the placesI've never been...
it's the onethat I love the most.
No, no, no.That didn't come out right.
Who's goingto hear this anyway?
Probably not even me.
Well? What the helldo you want?
Your, uh... sign saidyou had a vacancy.
It always says that.It's permanent.
So you have no rooms.
You ain't puttin' wordsin my mouth.
Sign that.
That's twenty bucks a night,in advance.