Sir? To be honest...
I think we could use him.
That has to be now?
May I be allowed to comment?
I think he will be an asset.
Sixty guilders a month and
that's all.
- Come on...
- Sir? Sir...
My mother said nothing
about me leaving. Nothing...
Not even "do as you please".
You will drop by, won't you?
And you know where to find me.
I decided not to worry.
I rented a room with
the office caretaker.
I was free and we were free of
each other at last.
Thank you.
If you need anything, just ask.
Jacob Willem,
here are two new shirts.
Be careful with them. Mother.
My work was to start in 5 days.
At night I taught myself to
type at the office...
and during the day
I practiced shorthand in my room.
Mr Katadreuffe: Miss Sibculo,
Dr Carlion, Dr Rustenburger...
Miss Born, behind Dr Sprengers,
then the Buregijks...
And of course Mr Rentenstein,
meet our new colleague.
No introduction necessary.
I saw his show last week.
I hope we shall be spared more of
such performances.