To the next round.
Jacob? I'd like to go outside.
A lot's changed here.
These trees...weren't here.
Planted after the war.
Mother? When he first asked you
Why didn't you marry him?
You could see East Quay from here.
It was ugly, this is much better.
Mr. Katadreuffe!
Mrs ten Have.
But Miss te George to you.
Do you still live where you...?
No, but not far from here.
I persuaded my husband
to move here.
He's a bookkeeper.
How are you?
Fine. I start my doctoral studies
Of course you'll pass
You always succeed.
Then you'll be a lawyer.
To begin with, yes...
Being a lawyer is only the start.
Then I have to specialise...
Then things really start.
And then I'm still not there,
because if I asid that...
You haven't changed.
I shall never marry anyone else.
I never forgot you.