We're not going, are we?
Audrey. You know how there are
moments you know are critical?
- Mm-hmm.
- And choices that have to be made...
- upon which all one's
future happiness will depend?
- Mm-hmm.
This is one of those moments.
What are you
trying to say?
Will you marry me?
- You're moving.
- l know, but l want you
and Max to come with me.
Audrey, l've been giving this
a lot of thought.
You know l'm not prone to wild
flights of romantic fancy.
- Mmm.
- But the thought of you and l
together just makes sense.
Now l'm ready. l think
you're ready. l love Max.
You love Max.
lt's right. lt fits.
So what do you say?
(Keyboard Tapping)
(Computer Beeps,
Printer Chatters)
Hey, creepy.
Happy birthday.
How old are you now,
22 or 23?
- l'm five, Dad.
- Okay.
Return the beer keg.
Cancel the dancing girls.
- l don't know what l'm gonna do.
l feel completely unprepared
for this.
You see, l bought you a present,
but last night...
l accidentally swallowed it.
- Dad, it's in your belly!
- Scalpel.
l hope it's not
partially digested!
Ooh! Look out!
- Cool! What is it?
- Cool!
lt's-- lt's a surprise.