Liar Liar

- You know why l pulled you over?
- Depends on how long
you were following me!

- Why don't we take it from the top?
- Here goes.

l sped, l followed too closely,
l ran a stop sign,

l almost hit a Chevy, l sped
some more, l failed to yield,

l changed lanes without
signaling while speeding!

- ls that all?
- No.

l have unpaid parking tickets.
Be gentle.
Audrey! Wait!
Wait, Audrey. Ooh!
Hold on. Wait!

Wait. l just had an insight
into myself. l'm crazy.

You call and say,
''Wait, l'll be right over,''

and here's the crazy part--
l actually wait.

- l can explain this.
- l have missed a department meeting.

- Did you come in a cab?
- Yes!

Where's your car?
Thank you! l can't tell you
how much this means to me.

- l can. $1,654.11.
- How do you sleep at night?

l'm takin' this.
(lnhales Loudly)

(Loud Crunch)
(Tires Squealing)
You scratched my car!
- Where?
- Right there!

Oh, there.
That was already there.

Why, you!
You liar!
-You know what l'm gonna do about this?

Nothing! Because if l take
you to court, it'll drain
eight hours out of my life,

and you won't show up,
and if l got the judgement,
you'd just stiff me anyway!

So l'm gonna piss and moan
like an impotent jerk...

and then bend over and
take it up the tailpipe!
