Well, doesn't
he have to do photographs
for the fan magazines?
Oh, photo shoots. Tell me
about it. He hates them.
Oh, seems
rather good at it.
Oh, sure. It just--
He thinks you can't be
a teen idol if you're
gonna be a serious actor.
Oh, does he?
It's crazy. I mean, most of
the actors I know wait tables.
Why would they do that?
I can't wait to tell him I've
met a famous British writer...
who thinks he's got the look
of a young Olivier, was it?
Uh, a little.
[ Chuckles ]
I should be writing this down.
Hey, maybe you could do
a script for him or something.
[ Chuckles ]
Well, I don't exactly write
for the youth market, Audrey.
Oh, well, that's great. He's
so sick of playing dumb kids.
[ Phone Ringing ]
It's okay, the machine's on.
[ Audrey's Voice ] Hi, we're
not home. Leave a message.
[ Man's Voice ]
Hey, babe. Honey?
Uh, I guess you're out...
again. [ Chuckles ]
It's Ron.
[ Ronnie ]
You better not be having
a good time without me.
[ Ronnie ]
Things are pretty cool here.
I'll talk to you later. Love you.
[ Audrey ] I'll call him later.
Oh, Giles, I forgot.
[ Machine Beeps ]
You can smoke here
if you want. We don't, but--
Giles? Are you okay?
Dear God,
this is ridiculous!
[ Chuckles ]
[ Audrey ]
It's incredible.
He's seen all your work.