Ma vie en rose

Oh, God, I can't wear these shoes.
They're all here at once.
How kind.
Strawberry tart. My favorite!
- Hi, Albert.
- Hi, how's life?

Lovely dress!
So is yours.
You look gorgeous.
Do we have to mind
our Ps and Qs?

Not here! So where's the party?
I'll give you my alarm system.
But he won't need it, will he, Albert?

Look at this.
I kept it for you.

You got us here.
To keep you on the job, pal!
Anytime you say.
You'll love it here.
It's a great neighborhood.

Thanks to his alarms, I bet.
Hands off those chips!
Tom, Jean! Go away!
Speech! Speech!
Welcome to our home.
Look in anytime!

I'll keep it short.
Let me introduce my tribe.
The prettiest...

Takes after her mother!
My wife, Hanna.
My eldest son, Tom.
The brainy one.
