What's "bent"?
Who said that?
I can't remember.
- Who?
- Take it easy!
Who said it? Tell me!
Leave him alone!
That's bent!
Got it?
You're getting to be
as cranky as Albert.
Take me dancing
You're a real little housewife!
That's not very subtle, Monique!
Having a pecker is no excuse
for not setting the table.
Of course not.
- How's the psychologist doing?
- Fine.
It's funny,
Albert doesn't like those people.
He says that
if society weren't so sick...
there wouldn't be any loony bins.
Ludo isn't loony!
Don't take it badly.
All she meant was...
why futz around with our noodles?
Stick to sports, I say!
And work, Thierry?
Aren't you forgetting work?
Can't you put a lid on it?
I mean, really! I saw a TV program
about transsexuals...
Go set the kids' table, honey.
It made me cry.
If my daughter came to me
and said she was a boy...
I don't know what I'd do.
I think we should let him
live out his fantasy.
Like drinking to stay sober!
The son of a friend
wanted to wear a skirt to school.
She let him.
A skirt?
After a week, it was over.