I am seized by
a suffocating nightmare.
I awake terror-stricken,
covered in sweat.
God, dwelling in my soul,
affects only my consciousness.
He never extends
to the outer world...
to the course of things.
I am seized by
a suffocating nightmare.
And I am stricken with terror
and awake covered in sweat.
God, dwelling in my soul,
affects only my consciousness.
He never extends beyond me
to the outer world...
to the course of things.
My heart is heavy
from such imperfection.
My heart is heavy
from such imperfection.
I saw and heard all of this.
In your dream?
Yes, in my dream.
That means we have
the same dreams.
we do.
Now be patient for a bit.
I have to comb your hair.
Now we'll eat something, then
I'll give you your injection.