Eiko! What you got on Korda?
We ran a search on relatives.
He's got a cousin in town,
Clarence Teal, small-time thief.
Last known address
was on Pine Street.
He moved a month ago. We've got
a couple of leads to check.
- Did you check with DMV
about vehicle registration?
- It's being faxed over now.
How about the record room
for any incident reports?
This guy could've been a victim.
We could get medical records. Have
somebody check with burglary detail.
- See if they know him and if--
- Look, Roper, we've--
- Forensics on two.
And bars. Check with his
neighbours and find out the kind
of bars he used to frequent.
- Scott, we're into it.
- I'm into this shit.
- Roper!
We've already had this conversation.
You are not active on this case.
It's in everyone's
best interest.
Well, y'all are doing
good work here. I'm--
Sorry about your friend. I lost
somebody in SWAT. I know it's rough.
I appreciate your concern,
but let's just leave it at that.
What's this you're reading?
Strategies and Countermeasures
in Hostage Situations.
- You're not having too much progress
with this thing either.
- Oh, wait, no.
You really had me stumped.
Very impressive. You get an "A."
See, no force was required.
No damage was done. All right?