Money Talks

And what is he doing here?
James Russell,
Channel 12 News.

The weatherman?
What are you doing with him?

That's just my white friend.
He gonna help me
get outta this mess.

But what about Carmine
and the money you owe him?

Don't worry about that
'cause he's lyin'.

I do not owe him no $25,000!
I owe him $7,000.
He added on interest.

I don't even know why I asked.
I'm sorry. Calm down.
Don't worry about it.
- How you doin'?
- I'm OK.

How the baby doin'?
He fine.
How my baby boy doin'?
You ain't
worrying about nothin'.

My baby come out with two toes,
I'm gonna kick your ass.

You've had the sonogram?
- What?
- What?

Sonogram? Did a three-part
exposé a few years back...

on pre-natal health care.
We discovered that not only...
Police. Open the door.
We know you're in there.
In a minute!
I don't know what else to say.
Gimme your pager number.
What for?
Open this fucking door,
or we're gonna break it in!

Anything go wrong, you page me.
You can reach me there.
Everything gonna be all right.

I'll take care of him.
- Police!
- Wait a minute!

Do you have a warrant?
What do you want?

We want your boyfriend.
You can't keep busting...
Shut up!
Wait for me!
Come on!
What the hell
are you shooting at?

He's a cop killer!
Don't be
trying to kill everybody.

For Christ's sake!
Right here. This is it.
Turn here.
