This gruel tastes like hot water!
There he is!
Will this do?
This isn't money!
Give back my rice!
Could I see that, please?
Woman, this is pure gold!
Is it coins you want? I'll pay you.
Give me this.
Is there a money-changer here?
I'm just a simple priest, but I'd say
this is worth three sacks of rice!
Wait, young sir!
That's mine! Give it back!
Hey! Don't be in such a rush!
No need to thank me.
It's I who should thank you.
I saw what you did before
against those samurai.
You fight like one possessed!
Ah, you see those men, too?
Keep your gold hidden, my lad.
Hearts have grown hard
throughout the land.
They'll rob you in your sleep.
Shall we run?
So the boar became a monster...
I tracked it back to where
the samurai attacked the village, but...
You lost it.
See over there?
When I was last this way,
there was a fine village here.
There was a flood, maybe,
or a landslide. I'm sure many died.