
The Emperor.
They're really something!
Off you go.
As we make iron here,
the forest grows weak.

That way costs fewer lives.
We've spent too much time
and money.

We didn't send 40 riflemen
just for the iron.

So the Emperor says, at least.
Surely he doesn't believe that the
Deer God's head confers immortality?

I'm not privy to the thoughts
of the Emperor.

Best not to be.
You have my word.
The boars will be easier
than Moro and her tribe.

Call out that shady bunch
you've got hidden under the cliff.

So I'm found out, am l?
One more thing...
Did a young man pass by here?
Riding a red elk?
He left.
They make my skin crawl!
They're not ordinary hunters.
They're special scouts.

Let us go with you!
Don't trust those men!
We can't help you from here
if anything happens!

We've learned how to shoot...
That's the reason I want you here.
I fear humans more than forest gods.
With the Deer God dead,
things will become clear.

Is the Deer God's head
all the Emperor really wants?

We may have to fight
the riflemen, too.

We can't trust men.
Stay on your toes.
