Does it hurt?
You could end it all
by jumping, you know.
When your strength returns,
the scar will grow restless.
I feel like I've slept for days.
I dreamed San was tending to me.
I hoped you would cry out in your sleep,
so I could bite off your head.
A beautiful woods...
Are the boars moving yet?
Go back into the cave, boy.
You can't hear it...
The cry of the woods
trampled under by boars...
I sit here listening to it
and to the crumbling of my body...
...and wait for that woman...
...dreaming of the moment
I crush her head in my jaws.
Can't humans and the forest
live together in peace?
Can't this be stopped?
The humans are gathering.
Their fire will reach even here.
And San? Do you intend
to take her with you?
How like a human
to think only of himself!.
She is a daughter of our tribe.
When the woods die, so will she.
Set her free! She's human!
Silence, boy!
What can you do for her?
The humans who violated the forest
threw her in my path as they ran from me.
Now she cannot be human,
and she cannot be wolf.
My poor, ugly,
lovely daughter...
Can you save her?!
I don't know,
but together we can live.
How? Will you join with San
and fight the human race?