i took you to the pitignano market
there was a big sale
and just once, i wanted to
see the stunt car
i even had free tickets
you want to deny me this satisfaction?
You're being unfair. Am i right?
Yeah, but don't speak so loud
i'm glad you agree with me
what, are you going somewhere?
I'm going to rome
to look for my friend
you know what, piero ol' buddy?
I've got a nice surprise for you
another one?
I'm coming with you
j ust like old times, remember?
we never took a trip together?
I don't think so
you see? I'm all messed up
i may be out of mind
but i know what i want
to live my life
enough with these chains, katia
mom, the store, all that
right, piero? I'm coming with you
plus i've never been to rome
are we taking the train?
They say there' a bunch of stations
in rome
you have to be careful not to
make a mistake
rome olympic stadium
rome vatican, rome termini
rome terminillo
where are we getting off?
Take it easy, i don't have any money
i have to hitch-hike
i don't even know where
i'm going to sleep
i don't think it's a good idea
for you to come, mirko. Think about it
piero, my friend, i have thought about
i'm coming
rome! Rome-ward bound
taste, you want?
My mom made it
no eat? I have potato chips
snack for baby
pecorino cheese. They make it here
capalbio 7 km.! Can you believe it?
There's occhetto's oak