Not too lucky in love, this one.
Just ask what she wants.
Any requests?
I see.
Yes, we'll discuss it.
...and so I'm very sorry, but...
the name for our heroine is now
"Mary Jane."
How could she have a name like that?
Her mother was American.
It doesn't affect the lines.
It's just backstory, okay?
Was it Nokko's idea?
Does the Sensei agree?
Yes, she does.
Only the name has changed.
The story's still the same.
So when it comes to the name,
not "Ritsuko,"
but "Mary Jane," okay?
Why would she say a thing like that?
To cause trouble.
You think?
Of course!
But why?
Do you know why she's the lead?
Nokko and our hottest star are
under the same management.
No doubt arms were twisted.
"Barter," more like.
She's probably ticked at
having to ride the kid's coattails.
Was it really Nokko's idea to go live?
Studio recording takes too long
for her liking.
I see...
Now hold on...
Why am I still "Torazo"
while she's "Mary Jane"...?
What could I say?
The hall's good enough for us,
but she gets a dressing room?!
Relax, Mr. Hamamura,
She is a star and,
if only for being difficult, she is famous.