Don't give me that look.
So, mind if I stay with you tonight?
I guess not...
I just can't be alone tonight,
y' know?
I'll be back.
You'd think they'd care about the show,
but they don't.
All Ushijima ever thinks about is
avoiding conflict...
and women.
His boss, Horinouchi, is run so ragged
he's got nothing left...
And as for me,
I just do what I'm told.
If you want to do something
that'll move people...
I'd look into
some other line of work.
Pardon me.
Thanks for coming.
Is that the one?
Uh-huh. Thanks.
How is it?
The world of radio?
Tougher than I thought.
I apologize for losing my head earlier.
I'm no longer a child.
I gave you my word and
I'll stick to it.
Thank you.
On one condition, however...
I want something as glamorous as
her "New York career woman" thing.