I shouldn't have taken that shortcut...
It's starting to rain, too.
Just then...
The dam's breaking!
Run for your lives!
It's a flood!!
Look out!!
Somebody help!!
Lady, look out!
Had she been unconscious long?
Mary Jane came to...
and found herself atop a low hill.
What happened? Who saved me?
Beside her stood a brawny young man.
It was you...
You saved me, didn't you.
I did.
Thank you very much.
Mary Jane looked at
the young man's face.
Dear me! You're...
It's been years.
Who'd have thought we'd meet like this?
- Yes, you must be...
- My name is...
Donald McDonald.
I am a pilot.
Since when is he a pilot?!
I can explain.
Mr. Hamamura made that up himself!
And that name!
Wasn't he "Michael Peter"?
He made that up, too.
It's the first I've heard of it, I swear!
This isn't funny!
Now we're stuck with it to the end.