Why must you be this way?
Why is there always a problem?It's a good question.
Do you want to go home?Do you want to turn around?
- Yes!- It's the Himalayas!
How long have I been talkingabout the Himalayas?
- How long?- Far too long.
Horst, when we get there,can you give me a hand, please?
- Yes, of course.- Ingrid, stop it.
Let's try to make the best of this.
Where's thls idiotwho's supposed to meet us?
Mr. Harrer.
I have your tickets.
- I'm late. Take me to my train.- No, you don't understand.
I am Peter Aufschnaiter.I am leading the expedition.
- How do you do?- Here's our celebrity!
Mr. Harrer?
May I say, Mr. Harrer,on behalf of the Reichssportsfuhrer...
we are honored to havesuch a great German hero on the team.
Thank you, but I'm Austrian.
Yes. but I'm sure that.
as a distinguished member...
of the National Soclalist Party,you would be proud to plant...
our country's flag on the summitof Nanga Parbat when you reach it.