Starship Troopers

throughout history
than any other factor.

The contrary opinion, that
violence never solves anything,

is wishful thinking
at its worst.

People who forget that
always pay.

Rico, what's the moral
difference, if any...

between a civilian
and a citizen?

A citizen accepts personal
responsibility for the safety...

of the body politic,
defending it with his life.

- A civilian does not.
- The exact words of the text.

But do you understand it?
Do you believe it?

- I don't know.
- Of course you don't.

I doubt anyone here would
recognize civic virtue...

if it reached up
and bit you in the ass.

Not here.
Come on, let's see if they
posted the math final.

- Rico, we gonna take Tesla?
- We're gonna kill 'em.

Remember, all graduating seniors
must fill out a 710 form.

First thing Fleet Academy
looks at is your math scores.

Wish me luck.
- Way to go.
- Good job.

Your turn.
Hold on.

I want to talk to Marco.
His sister's at Fleet.

- Marco.
- Hi, Carmen.

- What do you hear about Roxy?
- She made pilot.

- She did?
- Oh, yeah.

Thirty-five percent.
Very nice.

Look at that. Thirty-five
percent, ladies and gentlemen.

Big numbers.
- Carl.
- Sorry.

So, you haven't done it yet,
have you? Don't lie.

I'm not in any hurry.
- Others are waiting.
- And?
