- Hey!
- What?
You're drifting! Flip six,
three hole, on one! Got it?
-Just throw me the ball, Diz.
- Ready? Break!
Down. Set.
Tight left.
- Screen!
- Hut!
Yeah! Go, go, go!
All right!
He's in there.
It's over.
Who said you could
grow up so fast, huh?
Mom, don't get mushy.
This came for you today.
I presume,
at your request.
A lot of my friends are
doing Federal Service.
Well, you're not
thinking of applying?
Have you lost your mind?
I'd rather take ten lashes in Public
Square than see you ruin your life.
It's a term of service.
It's not a career.
I just want to get
out on my own...
see the galaxy
for a couple years.
Johnny, people get killed
in the Federal Service.
Who gave you this idea?
It's that teacher, isn't it?
What's his name? You know
the one I'm talking about.
- Mr Rasczak.
- Rasczak?
Silly name. There should
be a law against...
using a school
as a recruiting station.
No, Rasczak doesn't do that
at all.
He sort of discourages you.
Well, that's good.