The Ice Storm

They're on the floor,
and he's got his trousers undone--

though, thank goodness,
she was still dressed.

Well, I really let him have it,
and Wendy came home peacefully.

So, uh, what were you doing
in the Carvers' basement, anyway ?

I was just dropping off a coffee cup;
Jim left it last time he was over.

It was on the dash of the car.
You were, you know, reading.
I just wanted to catch some air.

Oh, yeah, right, right. The mustache
coffee cup, the one sitting on the dash.

- Yeah, that one.
- That one.

- See ya.
- Stay out of trouble.

- You'll be on the 10:30 train ?
- 11:30.

- Paul--
- Oh, let the guy have some fun.

What's the name of this girl
with the fancy New York address ?

Libbets Casey.

"Libbets" ? What sort
of name is "Libbets" ?

Just get a taxi home from the station
tonight. It's supposed to storm.

Okay. Bye.
[ Sighs ]
[ Newscaster ] its inquiry on Thursday.

- And that ends tonight's coverage
of the Watergate affair.
- Oh, shoot.

- In other news, outside--
- ...a few snow showers which
quickly turn to light rain.

Unless that rain comes down
even harder tonight, accompanied
by decreasing temperatures...

getting down
to around freezing by midnight.
