l've got some news for you.
-Some big news.
Don't you want to hear?
Give me the news.
You always think you know what
l'm gonna say before l say it.
You always think you're one step
ahead of me. The lawyer.
Tell me your news.
l went to sell my blood.
That's how it is.
l'm in this fucking city,
and l'm selling my blood.
That's not news.
No, but this is.
They wouldn't take my blood.
Do you know what that means?
Does it register?
l tested positive.
Welcome to hard times.
What do you want me to do?
l'll do whatever you want.
-l need money.
-What for?
No, you cannot ask me that,
not anymore.
You asked what l wanted,
not what it's for.
-Did you have a blood test?
-You don't believe me?
-You don't fucking believe me?
-Of course l believe you.
l just thought
l'd get you another test...
in case the one you got
was wrong.
l like when you
don't believe me.
lt's better when you
just act like you do.
l can hear you breathing.
l can hear you breathing, too.
Oh, God, l'm scared.