What do you want me to do?
l'll do whatever you want.
-l need money.
-What for?
No, you cannot ask me that,
not anymore.
You asked what l wanted,
not what it's for.
-Did you have a blood test?
-You don't believe me?
-You don't fucking believe me?
-Of course l believe you.
l just thought
l'd get you another test...
in case the one you got
was wrong.
l like when you
don't believe me.
lt's better when you
just act like you do.
l can hear you breathing.
l can hear you breathing, too.
Oh, God, l'm scared.
l love you.
l'll soon be there.
l'll take care of you.
No matter what happens,
l'll take care of you.
-l have a question.
-What is it?
l told you l was doing
50 miles an hour...
when the bus went over.