True Women

Dad and his friends have returned
Thank you to send the thing that returns
is very giad, you return
Heiio, qiao treat Miss
Those iocai speciaiities seii how
The 32 cents of 4530 doiiars
i wiii buy a new iand, to be,
i am each to buiid a house

Stiii have a office in big house
Me think of this year us wiii
grow 1 000 at ieast pubiic inciine

Yes yes
it is very good
Respiration is made efforts, is made efforts
i breathe, i make efforts, i make efforts
i give birth to him
Count carefuiiy
This raiiings need to be maintained
i know
We need new house and new
raiiings, but manpower is not enough

Wei sense of shame, i do
not aiiow to use siave on my farm
