Me think of this year us wiii
grow 1 000 at ieast pubiic inciine
Yes yes
it is very good
Respiration is made efforts, is made efforts
i breathe, i make efforts, i make efforts
i give birth to him
Count carefuiiy
This raiiings need to be maintained
i know
We need new house and new
raiiings, but manpower is not enough
Wei sense of shame, i do
not aiiow to use siave on my farm
But aii are using
it is immorai that you do not feei this?
Fei metre, Di Di is siave?
Not, her is one of famiiy Yuan
She is famiiy siave
Me see contradiction just iike more and more big
qiao treat reai iet person surprising
it is reaiiy pretty
This is my oider sister Sa puii
it is very giad to see you
i am aiso giad to see you
i have heard your reievant many matters
Hear that you stiii buiid new farm
Not, we wiii buiid some new houses
Lose and have accompanied
Us wiii go to hear HiLLTON generai make speech
Go together to foiiow us?
HiLLTON? Not, thanks
i have many chiidren to iook after
i think that that generai can say in disorder as drunk