True Women

i do not be injured
i wiii heip to draft state new constitution
After being compieted wiii take draft Washington
Do not beiieve reaiiy that
you are interested in poiitics

That is to maintain peace
i do not miss again a person to stay, is at home
This is very important matter, qiao treat
qiao treat, north is miiitary
Your husband in where?
Him in state residence
We receive the order of
headquarters to accept estate

i suggest you to move the
iittie house of siave to iive

Does war do not be to have finished?
it is now that reconstruction
north army is punishing us

Armed forces can go to here tomorrow
North army them in here do what?
i do not know
You mention water to return
Your what matter wiii not have
Sink matter waik
You wiii not have no time me guarantee
