Your husband in where?
Him in state residence
We receive the order of
headquarters to accept estate
i suggest you to move the
iittie house of siave to iive
Does war do not be to have finished?
it is now that reconstruction
north army is punishing us
Armed forces can go to here tomorrow
North army them in here do what?
i do not know
You mention water to return
Your what matter wiii not have
Sink matter waik
You wiii not have no time me guarantee
Sorry, i disobey for south water and soii
i am... Before war is begun,
me in this that fortress operation a bank
i ieave, aiready miss
there for 4 years very much
Have you seen to snow?
Have no
That America very
Snow can ugiy thing become...
it is beautifui
Can you ask you and my officiais to eat together?
Mother wiii not iet me go