With their berets.
How about all black?
That's good.
Half black, half leopard...
wear it on your head.
Half black, half leopard...
wear it to your bed.
Half black, half leopard.
l guard...
the American dream.
l guard...
the American dream.
Everybody's always
in a hurry these days.
lf they're not
rushing somewhere...
they're changing something
that doesn't need changing.
That's why l'm glad
we're behind the president.
Sure we are.
lt just makes good sense.
You don't want to change
horses in midstream.
Why are they sticking
with this age-old horseshit?
Why are they sticking
with the same garbage?
-Who hires these people?
-l feel insulted having seen it.
-lt's offensive.
-Poorly costumed.
New York Times,
Washington Post: war.
Times got the Firefly Girl
in the Style section.
Post on page 12.
lt's good. Hello?
lt's very important. Listen up.
lt's all war.
You're doing good.
Would you vote for that person
based on that commercial?
-l don't vote.
-Why don't you vote?
When Major League Baseball
started the fans voting...
l voted for Boog Powell
on first base.
He didn't get in,
and it disappointed me.
lt's futile.
You've never voted
for president?
Do you vote?
No. l always vote
for the Academy Awards...
but l never win.
Liz, do you vote?
l don't vote.
l don't like the rooms.
Too claustrophobic.
l can't vote in small places.
lt's about that time.