
The Christians go around
pretending they know

who God is and how he works.
I've no time
for that tomfoolery.

If you don't know something,
you should stand up and say so,
not pretend you believe
in some mumbo-jumbo.

I can believe in anything,
provided it's incredible.

That's why I intend
to die a Catholic,

though I couldn't
possibly live as one.

Catholicism is such
a romantic religion.

It has saints and sinners.
The Church of England
only has respectable people

who believe in respectability.
You get to be a bishop
not by what you believe,

but by what you don't.
That's true enough!
It's the only church
where the sceptic
stands at the altar

and St Thomas the Doubter
is prince of the apostles.
No, I couldn't possibly die
in the Church of England.

Where do you stand
on cremation?

I'm not sure I have a position.
I'm for it.
I wrote a poem.
"When I am dead, cremate me. "
That's how it begins.
"When I am dead, cremate me. "
What do you think of that
for an opening line?

It's... challenging.
I'm a challenging sort of man.
That's why people don't like me.
I don't go along with the
ordinary ways of thinking.

Then we are exactly alike.
Another glass of brandy?
I find that alcohol,
taken in sufficient quantities,

can produce all the effects
of drunkenness.

You were there for ages.
You stayed talking
till after four.

I knew you'd like him
once you'd met him.

He's got charm, I admit that.
But that's bad.
Men shouldn't be charming.
It's disgusting.
Don't think much of his action.
Let's have a look at the bay.
Mind you,
Wilde's no fool.

Talks wonderfully.
Really wonderfully.

But that means nothing
when what he says
is such rot.
