
I wrote a poem.
"When I am dead, cremate me. "
That's how it begins.
"When I am dead, cremate me. "
What do you think of that
for an opening line?

It's... challenging.
I'm a challenging sort of man.
That's why people don't like me.
I don't go along with the
ordinary ways of thinking.

Then we are exactly alike.
Another glass of brandy?
I find that alcohol,
taken in sufficient quantities,

can produce all the effects
of drunkenness.

You were there for ages.
You stayed talking
till after four.

I knew you'd like him
once you'd met him.

He's got charm, I admit that.
But that's bad.
Men shouldn't be charming.
It's disgusting.
Don't think much of his action.
Let's have a look at the bay.
Mind you,
Wilde's no fool.

Talks wonderfully.
Really wonderfully.

But that means nothing
when what he says
is such rot.

Worse than rot - evil.
Which is why I insist
you stop seeing him

What's that supposed to mean?
I will cut off
your allowance

if you don't do
as I say.

Trot him up and down
a bit!

Look, Father...
You wasted your time at Oxford,
pretending you were going
into the Foreign Office,

where that Jew queer Rosebery
is Foreign Secretary

and buggers the juniors,
including your brother.

That's all lies.
Spent your time
writing obscene poetry.

My poems aren't obscene.
They're in the manner
of Wilde,

that's filthy enough
for me.

Have you read any
of Oscar's poems?

I wouldn't sully my mind
with perverted trash
like that.

Tell him to
pick his feet up!

He's not straight!
Are you calling Oscar a pervert?
Because that's libellous!
I'm not saying
he IS one,

I'm saying
he's POSING as one.

Which is worse.
His wife's divorcing him,
did you know that?

For sodomy!
That's COMPLETELY untrue.
I hope it is.
